This project was my final bachelor project for my studies at the Cologne Game Lab. (it is also still missing the last few assets tbh :p)
My goal was to depict a Kurdish scene that incorporates both the landscape and the torch march tradition of the Newroz festivities, as well as a backyard buffet scene that features some iconic Kurdish dishes or the Kurdish variants of more common Middle-Eastern dishes.
This project was quite the undertaking and I ended up using nearly every method could be used to make 3D Assets. I did regular modeling, sculpting, photo-scanning (using the cross-polarized void photogrammetry workflow), bashed together said photoscans, did shader stuffs, made particle systems and so on. To keep iteration time high, this scene is using Lumen for real-time GI in UE5. I also made use of the Quixel Bridge integration, which really allowed me to get the landscape background done in time for the deadline.